Wednesday 3 June 2009

Cubase – Music Production Tips

This one is for all you artists and producers out there. That’s right, I said artists first. Just because you're not familiar with the finer points of audio manipulation or gated synth sequencing, doesn’t mean there aren’t a few tricks you can learn to give you that edge on your competition.

Audio Clipping

In brief audio clipping is when you have recorded a segment of vocal and you want to get rid of the pre recording and end section noise. One tip for getting the best result is to…

1) Don’t cut too close to the recording, leave at least half a second of space.

2) Once you have cut the section you want to use it is time to do a little ‘clipping’ of the audio using the fade tools.  In Cubase you simply move the arrow to the top left and right of your audio piece.

3) Once the fade in out cursor is showing drag it just enough to ‘clip’ the beginning of your recording and end of your recording.

4) To fine-tune it, double click the faded section to reveal the curve options box (which is very easy to navigate). Remember that each curve has its own effect on even the slightest fade in or out and are particularly useful on various types of audio, so school up.

5) Obviously if you are using any delays or certain effects you have to adjust what you do to your end section, but this is obvious, isn’t it?

I hope you have found the info useful, if you want anymore personalized advice just write you're question at the bottom of this blog and I will get back to you…



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