Saturday 29 November 2008

"But they cant be real people" Charlie said....

I LUUURRRVEEE Tim Walker, if there is anyone I truly inspire & gets me all excited & giggly about fashion photography it is this man. His fanciful images contain such unimaginable detail, demonstrating bits of those dreams we've had or things we have envisioned after reading a great story that you couldn't possibly think could be visualised. His latest shoot in Vogue is amazing and focus's on the stories of Road Dahl; he brings together seamlessly art, fashion, photography & the genius of Dahl. Capturing in an unexpected and perfectly mastered frenzy, the sets are bright, bold and totally ridiculous - one day I hope to be able to spill my imagination, questions, fantasies & intrigue onto a page like he can. Fabulous!!

"A woman who my mother knows came in and took off all her clothes,
Said I not being very old, 'By Golly gosh you must be cold'
'No No!' she cried 'I indeed am not, I'm feeling devilishly hot!"

Foto x

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