Wednesday 12 August 2009

if i build it will they come? Episode Eight!

The last blog ended with me going mad. For those that havent read the 1st ever post I did I'll summarise. I was trying to sculpt mutants to pass the time productively as well as constantly looking at the armour I'd made so far & hating it. Then my sculpting got shit & all the mutants I was making were really bad. I basically had a crisis of artistic faith. Quite a large one actually where I found myself questioning my life & what the fuck am I doing with it & so forth. It may happen maybe once a year or so & usually in times of financial duress or some other random phase of shitiness that sometimes get thrown your way. I got over it though & made another monstery mutanty thing but decided I was going to keep it for myself as it evolved into something that wouldnt really fit into the world of Joey & Robins film. I'm getting sick of typing "Joey & Robin" all the time. I'll have to think of a name for them like Jobin or something. (read more)

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