Tuesday 3 February 2009


I was shocked to read that Jennifer Hudson has lip synched while singing the national anthem at the SuperBowl. To make matters worse she was told to do this by her agent, who felt that this was the best thing for her confidence.

So, what can we learn from this my fat blog lovelies?

We can learn that even big stars who have already starred in the musical hit sensation, which was 'DreamGirls' can get nervous about singing live. So it is perfectly natural to be nervous and get the jitters.

We can learn that maybe it is best to get rid of those stage frights early. Fat Talent Live is a perfect way for all talents to practice what they do best before they are thrown into fame.

Also get yourself a decent producer. Someone who actually believes in you and your singing talent. Someone who will still trust you to perform with all your might even if you were the last person standing. Sometimes a producer can even be someone close to you, like a member of your family. Remember your family has to love you no matter what!

And lastly come watch Fat Talent Live..... it is inspirational.

Fabuluso xxx

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